Kim Miñoso Smith, LPCC

Kim Miñoso Smith, LPCC


“When our wounds, our misbeliefs, our pain, and our patterns are met with consciousness, we embody the medicine we’ve needed to alchemize them for our transformation.” Harmony Kwiker, MA; Align: Living and Loving from the True Self

As a second-generation Latina and in-betweener, I thrive in working with people from various backgrounds and identities and center our therapeutic work on justice, critical consciousness, cultural relevance, and deep inner exploration and processing. I enjoy working with teens (15 yrs+), adults, relationship constellations, caregivers, and premarital couples.

You can expect a therapeutic environment that is inclusive, warm, and understanding where ALL of your identities are welcome, seen, and honored. I am also a proud LGBTQ+ affirming therapist.

Some of my specialties are in working with folx who may struggle with anxiety, depression, identity work, relationship issues, healing from traumatic experiences, intergenerational trauma, and PTSD.

I provide services in English, Spanish, and Spanglish (a favorite), and work with the goal to help each client feel into–and embody–their true alignment.

My therapy style can best be summed up as a cup of Cuban café con leche: powerful and potent, yet equally balanced with warmth and sugar.

Soy una nueva empleada en Pure Potential Denver y disfruto trabajando con adolescentes (15 años o más), adultos, parejas, cuidadores y parejas prematrimoniales.

Como una latina de segunda generación y alguien que navega dos mundos (intermedia), prospero trabajando con clientes culturalmente diversos. Centro nuestro trabajo terapéutico en justicia, conciencia crítica, relevancia cultural y la exploración y el procesamiento interno profundo.

En mí puede encontrar un ambiente terapéutico que sea inclusivo, amable y con entendimiento. Es un espacio donde TODAS sus identidades son bienvenidas, vistas y honradas.

Algunas de mis especialidades son trabajo con personas que luchan con ansiedad, depresión, trabajo de identidad, problemas de relaciones, sanación de experiencias traumáticas, trauma intergeneracional, y Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático.

Ofrezco servicios en inglés, español y espanglish (mi favorito) y trabajo con el objetivo de ayudar a cada cliente a sentirse incorporado y alineado.

Mi estilo de terapia es como una taza de Café con Leche Cubano: poderoso y potente, pero igualmente equilibrado con cariño y azúcar.


Our work together will always consider social-cultural factors and be trauma-informed. I draw heavily on techniques that foster a Body-Mind-Spirit connection, such approaches include:

  • Gestalt Therapy

  • Mindfulness

  • Focusing Technique

  • Self-Compassion

  • Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

  • Attachment Theory

  • The Enneagram

Education and Licensure

  • Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate

  • Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Naropa University

  • Master of Arts, Secondary Education, University of Alabama

  • Bachelor’s of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida

Kim Miñoso Smith, LPCC
Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate