Frequently Asked Questions

What is somatic therapy?

Somatic therapy is a holistic therapy; mind, body, spirit, and emotions are seen as related and connected to each other. Past emotional and traumatic events impact our bodies which can then be noticed in our body language, posture, sensation, and even physical pain. Through developing awareness of the mind-body connection and using specific interventions, somatic therapy helps you to connect with your body’s wisdom and develop a deeper understanding of your internal experience allowing for healing on a holistic level.

What is trauma?

Trauma can be defined as an event or experience that overwhelms our system and activates our body’s survival defenses (i.e fight, flight, freeze, etc) and for a myriad of reasons, our body isn’t able to complete or move through the activation, leaving an unresolved or incomplete charge unintegrated in the body and mind. Trauma is often an experience of “too much, too fast” that overwhelms our ability to orient and integrate our experience. Our minds may be able to make sense of the experience, however, it is often said “the body keeps the score” and tells its own story. What is traumatic for one person, may be different for another depending on one’s previous history and experience. Some examples of trauma are:

  • Minor or major head injuries

  • Boundary ruptures

  • Natural disasters

  • Difficulties at birth

  • Military or war experiences

  • Unmet childhood emotional needs

  • Lack of safety

  • Minor or major accidents

  • Abandonment

  • Emotional, verbal, physical, sexual
    abuse or neglect

  • Unprocessed grief or loss of a loved one

  • Chronic illness/cancer

  • Invasive medical/dental procedures

  • Rape or sexual assault

  • Witness or victim of violent crime

Symptoms of trauma may include, but are not limited to: shock, denial, confusion, difficulty concentrating, intrusive images or body sensations, anger, irritability, mood swings, anxiety, fear, difficulty with sleep or ability to relax, guilt, shame, self-blame, feeling sad or hopeless, feeling disconnected or numb, nightmares or reliving or re-experiencing traumatic event(s), dissociation, PTSD, depression, addiction, emotional disconnect, withdrawl, chronic illness, autoimmune disorders, compromised immune system, muscle or body pain.

Trauma can be resolved and healed. Working with a professional who is trained in the assessment and treatment of trauma can support well being, self-regulation and a sense of empowerment. Somatic, or body-based therapies, help to support awareness and attention to the story the body experienced. With the help of your therapist, you can learn to track and attune to sensations and movement within the body, which allows the body to complete charges or energy that were trapped by trauma.  

What is attachment theory?

We are all “wired for connection” on a neurobiological level. Attachment theory explains that biological need to bond with others. Experiences in early relationships create a blueprint that informs the sense of safety and security we bring into our adult relationships. Early experiences with our primary caregivers (such as their ability to give and receive, their ability to be in connection with self and others, their ability to regulate their own nervous system and emotions, and their ability to have and promote healthy boundaries) impact the way we connect and show up in relationships.

What can I expect on the first session?

You will be provided with an intake questionnaire to complete prior to our first session. This helps us both to have an idea of what it is that inspired you to seek therapy at this time, as well as other factors in your past and present life that are impacting you. Some say the questionnaire is helpful to organize thoughts and memories they feel are relevant.

Much of a first session is sharing and gathering information, getting to know one another, and beginning to build relationship. Some people come prepared with what they wish to share, others prefer to be guided. Everything is at your pace—you are always in charge of how much or little you choose to share. There is no “right or wrong” way to do therapy.

What paperwork will I need to complete?

Prior to our first session you will receive a link to our HIPAA compliant portal. Here you will be provided with a link that will allow you to complete the necessary forms electronically. Forms include demographic information, clinical history, disclosure agreement, financial agreement, and notice of privacy practices. Additionally, as of January 1, 2022, the “No Surprises Act” entitles those who are not enrolled in a health plan or who do not plan to file a claim with their insurance plan to receive a Good Faith Estimate. You can click here to view your rights under the “No Surprises Act”.

Do you accept insurance?

Currently Steph is out of network with all major insurance companies, but Kim is currently accepting Medicaid clients. We will happily provide a Superbill for possible out-of- network reimbursement or application toward your deductible. Please contact your insurance provider for your plan details. I accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards (including most HSA cards).